Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Symbiote Could Inspire Newer and more effective Gadgets

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is an encouraging game for many reasons. Its PS5 exclusivity allows Insomniac to test the limits from the next gen console, creating a better version of New York City with even more detailed character models. The look of Kraven could inspire some interesting boss encounters, while new costumes for both Miles and Peter might be put into please fans of the wall-crawlers.

However, the aspect of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 that has the most promise is undoubtedly the Symbiote. Not only is Venom confirmed to feature as an antagonist, but players are interested to see if the parasite will attach itself to Miles or Peter during the story. One aspect from the Symbiote which has not been discussed just as much are its weaknesses, and the sequel often see Peter crafting some gadgets based on the alien material’s flaws to help in his fights against it.

The opportunity of Fire and Sound-Based Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Gadgets

The Symbiotes have several strengths, with characters like Venom and Carnage showcasing just how deadly their parasites can be on many occasions. However, Symbiotes in addition have a few key weaknesses which have been highlighted over the years, problems that will certainly huged upon in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. While they're incredibly difficult to defeat, fire and sound are both powerful tools that Spidey can exploit to defeat the parasites.

A sound-based gadget is easy to imagine being a potential Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 feature. Peter could customize the Concussive Blast tool in the original game to emit high-pitched frequencies, with the tool effectively stunning Venom and then any other Symbiote-related foes that the friendly neighborhood hero comes a ross. The Spider Drone could also be modified to emit high pitch sounds, giving Peter and Miles a way to weaken the Symbiotes while beating them down. Another possibility would begin to see the Suspension Matrix pulling the Symbiote from its host, allowing the Spider-Men to deal serious harm to a persons that is normally putting it on.

A fiery tool is a bit harder to assume, as Insomniac would likely need to make this off-limits for encounters with NPCs that lack superhuman abilities. As the concept of incendiary webbing is straightforward enough to imagine, Spider-Man would not burn regular thugs. Still, being able to set a Symbiote on fire will be a large amount of fun, and it would show Spidey using any advantage he can get to reduce the otherworldly adversary. With Peter’s new suit incorporating the Iron Spider legs, perhaps they may be modified to add a fire effect.

While Insomniac may not be prepared to craft two more gadgets just for a boss encounter with Venom, regular fights with Symbiote-infected NPCs will make new gadgets more worthwhile. Much like how Mr. Negative corrupted regular citizens within the original game, Venom’s Symbiote might be spreading either intentionally or by mistake. As such, Spidey may need to battle waves of Symbiote-infused citizens, destroying the pieces of the Symbiote to free the hosts from the control.

With the Symbiote having the possibility to force players to battle differently and change up their playstyles, Insomniac Games should provide special tools to help balance battles with Venom along with other potential Symbiote wearers. Both sonic and fire gadgets would build off established canon and be lots of fun to use, so that they might be a good way to begin when the developer is hopeful of making the sequel’s Symbiote-related battles more special.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to release in 2023 for PS5.

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