Online Game

Far Cry 6: How to Unlock (& Play) Multiplayer

The Far Cry 6 multiplayer experience isn't offered at the beginning of the game, however it can be unlocked and played shortly in to the campaign. Multiplayer allows players to become listed on another friend's lobby, a random player's lobby, or reveals their lobby for another player to join. Far Cry 6's multiplayer is just a co-op experience, however, limiting two players to some lobby. Additionally, multiplayer allows players to take on Special Operations, unique missions that are outside of the main campaign.

Before unlocking multiplayer, players will have to progress far enough in the story to be able to freely travel from island to island. To do this, Dani needs to defeat Antón Castillo's blockade around Isla Santuario. Players should make a point to seize the very best weapons first in Far Cry 6 before completing the quests that cause the destruction of the blockade's two boats, as it can make the firefights quicker to handle.

After destroying the blockade, Dani and also the Guerillas will set up shop in a new house base. Multiplayer is then available by choosing the social icon in the main menu. This will mention the “Play Having a Friend,” “Search For any Partner,” and “Be A Partner” options. Joining another player's lobby will load Dani into whatever objective that player is focusing on and vice versa. This feature is particularly useful for those people who are looking for more to complete after beating Far Cry 6.

How To Unlock Multiplayer In Far Cry 6

One from the additional features available to players through Far Cry 6's multiplayer may be the Special Operations missions. Special Operations can be accessed from the Guerilla home base, and there are multiple missions for players to choose from. Such as the regular multiplayer experience, players may either join another player's lobby or play with a buddy. Before taking on any mission, however, it's a great idea to upgrade a few weapons in Dani's arsenal. Have more gunpowder in Far Cry 6 to upgrade a number of the key weapons like the AK-47 and sniper rifle.

Currently, the only Special Operations missions available involve players carrying a device that can overheat. They'll have to hold the device in the shade to bring it to the target location. Additionally, bringing the unit to a water source can help ensure that it stays cool.

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